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Faculty: Professional Development

Specialized services for Loyalist College Faculty.


This is just a small selection of the resources that are available in the Parrott Centre. Can't find what you're looking for? Search Catalyst, or contact the Library and ask for assistance. We'll be happy to help.


Search Catalyst - Loyalist's Library Catalogue

What is RefWorks?

RefWorks is a web-based software that helps you to store and organize your references, prepare bibliographies, and create in-text citations while you write.

Need the Loyalist group code?  Email the library from your Loyalist College email account and we'll send it to you.

Recommended Websites & Articles : Faculty

Selected Journals at Loyalist : Faculty


What is a MOOC?
MOOCs, or Massive Open Online Courses, are online courses, often offered for free or at minimal cost. Many MOOCs include audio or video lectures, assignments, readings, quizzes, and interactive forums and discussion boards. Many MOOCs are offered by large institutions, and some will offer course credits for completed MOOCs, usually for a small fee.

(Sources:"Massive Open Online Course", from Wikipedia)

Services at the Parrott Centre

Selected Books at Loyalist: Faculty

Coming soon!

Useful Tools : Faculty