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Faculty: Course Reserves

Specialized services for Loyalist College Faculty.

Course Reserves

What is a course reserve?
Reserve materials are any items that instructors direct their students to read or view. This can include library resources like books, lecture notes or items from your own collection. Once a resource is placed on the reserve shelf, it is available to all of your students. You may restrict its use to in-library use only, or have library staff customize a loan period to fit your needs.

How do I put something on reserve?
Materials can be dropped off in the Library at any time. Let us know that the item is a course reserve, and provide your name, contact information, and the desired loan period - you can customize the loan period, or specify the item for in-library use only. You’ll also be asked if you’d like the item back at the end of the semester, or if you’d like to donate it. You don’t have to decide right away; we’ll contact you when the semester is over.

Why place something on reserve?
Course reserves are an excellent way to make sure that your students have access to materials for your classes – especially if they’re expensive or not easily accessible. It’s also useful in cases where a resource is out of print, or if you simply want to students to read a chapter or two or a particular item. Faculty may also place a copy of their course texts on reserve.

For questions about course reserves, please contact Carla Williamson at Ext. 2141.

How do I find materials on course reserve?

Please Note! In accordance with our Collection Development policy, the Library does not buy or supply textbooks. Students are expected to buy or rent their required texts. Course reserve materials are typically for in-library use only, for a maximum of three hours, with some exceptions. The time limit ensures that all students have a chance to use the material. Like all library materials, course reserves are subject to fines if returned late; students that return course reserve materials late may be fined $1.00 for every hour that the material is late. Library staff will note the time that a course reserve material is due back on the date due slip. If students have any questions or concerns, library staff are happy to help!

1. Go to the library's website at, and click on the Advanced Search button.

2. Select Course Reserves to limit your search, and then enter search terms in the box below. You can search by keyword, instructor name, course, and more!

3. Review your results, and narrow your search by either entering new search terms, or by using the limiters on the left side of the screen.



Search Catalyst : Loyalist Library Catalogue

Readings & Resources

Digitization of Print Resources

The Library offers digitization services for physical items such as books or magazine articles to support your teaching. The item does not necessarily have to be from our library, so please drop off your copy to complete the digitization request.

According to our Fair Dealing Policy, the digitization of textbooks is permissible. However, the limit is up to a maximum of 5% of the total number of pages or one complete chapter (whichever is lesser). This restriction is per textbook title that is aimed at the post-secondary market.   If there has been an earlier request made for the same title, for another course, your request will be declined.  The alternative is to use another textbook title.  You can request the digitization of multiple titles if it’s within the per book guidelines.

Please submit your request by filling in the following form and emailing to Vanessa Lee. Digitization requests can take up to 3 business days to process.

Item #1


Course Name:



Year of Publication/edition:


Any Special Instructions:


Item #2


Course Name:




Any Special Instructions:

Item #3


Course Name:




Any Special Instructions:

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We can be reached by phone at 613-969-1913, Ext. 2249, or by email at