"Open Educational Resources, or OER, refer to any teaching and learning materials that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license, such as a Creative Commons License or GNU General Public License, that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution with no or limited restrictions".
(Source: The OER Toolkit, Colleges Library Ontario)
There are a variety of sources for OERs! This is only a small selection. For more, check the Library's OER Research Guide.
Mope open journals coming soon!
What is a MOOC?
MOOCs, or Massive Open Online Courses, are online courses, often offered for free or at minimal cost. Many MOOCs include audio or video lectures, assignments, readings, quizzes, and interactive forums and discussion boards. Many MOOCs are offered by large institutions, and some will offer course credits for completed MOOCs, usually for a small fee.
(Sources: MOOC.org, "Massive Open Online Course", from Wikipedia)
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We can be reached by phone at 613-969-1913, Ext. 2249, or by email at library@loyalistcollege.com