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Business and Management: Books and eBooks

This guide combines resources for the Accounting, Business & Business Administration, Business Sales & Marketing, Entrepreneurial Studies, Human Resource Management, International Trade & Logistics Management, and Sports & Entertainment Marketing programs


This is only a small selection of our titles on this subject. Check Catalyst for more, or come in and ask our staff for help!

How to Borrow a Book

Not sure how to borrow an item? Check our Borrowing Policies, or come in and see us! Curious about eBooks? The Parrott Centre has over 237,000 eBooks, ready to read online. You can search for them through Catalyst, just as you would search for print books! Need help? Contact the Library by email or at Ext. 2249.


Search Catalyst : Loyalist Library Catalogue

Browse the Shelves!

Check these sections in the Library's shelves to see what other titles we have in this subject area:

  • HF5601 - 5686: Accounting, book keeping
  • HF5700 - 5799: Business communication, business writing
  • HG - HJ: Finance

Check these sections in the Library's shelves to see what other titles we have in this subject area:

  • HA: Statistics
  • HB: Economic theory
  • HC: Economic history and conditions
  • HD 72 - 88: Economic growth, development, planning
  • HF 1017: Commerce - statistics
  • HF 5410 - 5410: Forecasting, marketing, consumer behaviour
  • HG - HJ: Finance

Check these sections in the Library's shelves to see what other titles we have in this subject area:

  • HD30.3: Communication in organizations
  • HD60: Management, leadership, organizational behaviour
  • HD66: Teamwork
  • HD8106.5: Industrial relations in Canada
  • HF5381 - 5386: Careers, resumes, cover letters, interviewing, mentoring
  • HF5548.8 - 5549.5: Human resource management
  • KEO629: Labor laws and legislation in Ontario

Check these sections in the Library's shelves to see what other titles we have in this subject area:

  • HD69: Other business topics including business consultants, capacity, size of industries, etc.
  • HF5546-5548.6: Office management
  • HF5548.7-5548.85: Industrial psychology

Check these sections in the Library's shelves to see what other titles we have in this subject area:

  • HD28: Management, industrial
  • HD70: Management
  • HD72: Development planning
  • HF 88: Commerce
  • TS155: Production management, operations management

Selected Books at Loyalist: Business and Management

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We can be reached by phone at 613-969-1913, Ext. 2249, or by email at